Super Simple Hacking

Easy to understand tutorials on hacking.

Before you start this tutorial you must have basic knowledge of Assembler language (ASM) and preferably some programming knowledge. This will make it much easier to understand. In case you never learned any ASM, click here to download an ASM tutorial. Come back after you have a solid understanding of ASM, or I guarantee you will have a hard time understanding the next tutorials.

For this tutorial, you will need a few tools and programs.
  -Ollydbg: This is a debugger. Debuggers let you "debug" programs in real time. Using a debugger, we can see how a program works, line by line. Download Ollydbg on its website or click here to download(comes with W32DASM).

  -W32DASM is a program that decompiles programs into ASM code. You can use it to search for strings and memory address(es). You will not need it for this particular tutorial, but you will need it for upcoming tutorials.

 -Crackmes - These are simple programs made to test you cracking ability. The ones I have included are very basic and do not contain any protection. Download.

Now you may be wondering,"Why am I cracking Crackme's, I was here to learn to crack real programs!" The reason is that actual programs are probably beyond your scope. We will first cover simple protection methods before you move to more advanced stuff. It is more important to get a firm hold on the basics before you try to do the hard stuff.

Sorry, for the poor video quality, the blogger video upload sucks. I will probably be using a different video method next time. In the meantime, you can either watch the below, or download the high quality original version here.Thank you for your cooperation.

    Hackers solve problems and build things, and they believe in freedom and voluntary mutual help. To be accepted as a hacker, you have to behave as though you have this kind of attitude yourself. And to behave as though you have the attitude, you have to really believe the attitude.
     Contrary to popular belief, hacking is not very difficult to learn. You do not need to be incredibly smart, nor do you need any special equipment. Anyone with a computer and a brain can become a hacker. That is why I created this blog, to share information with everyone. I intend to help you guys learn hacking and learn a bit myself too.
       My name is Caleb and I will be posting video tutorials on this site to help anyone improve their hacking skills. I am thinking about posting programming tutorials, reverse engineering tutorials, game hacking tutorials, or just about anything tech related. If you have problems or tutorial requests related to computers you can always email me (see my about page).


This is Caleb's tutorial website. Click here for more info.

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